Build A Profitable Agency Faster With An Unrivaled Growth Partner
Potomac Insurance Network (PIN) & SIAA stand apart from our competitors because we offer more opportunities, partnerships, and income than any other network of independent insurance agents.
Get five layers of income immediately with no minimum premium thresholds.
Benefits of Membership
What sets us apart
Revenue Programs
Access to the SIAA network will increase your income through extensive revenue sharing programs, overrides, preferred contracts, and national incentives, while remaining completely independent. Quarterly and year-end strategic partner incentives paid to members agencies are also included.
Existing independent agents typically see premium growth of 30-80% within 24 months of joining SIAA/PIN while our startup members are given all the tools they need to get off the ground and quickly become a profitable agency.
Market Access
Grow your existing book using SIAA’s extensive network of over 30 top national and regional insurance carriers. Agencies associated with Potomac Insurance Network (PIN) & SIAA are consistently growing their premiums and agency value with zero carrier access fees.
Don’t leave money on the table. With PIN, you will still have direct carrier access, as well as the ability to book E&S business you would have otherwise walked away from before.
Laying the Foundation
SIAA’s “Agency Foundation” program provides new startup agencies with a fast track to becoming a profitable independent agency that owns its entire book of business. Get real time assistance and support to start-up your independent insurance agency with a solid base for agency growth, income, and value.
PIN was the ideal solution for us. They allowed us to be an independent agent and we were able to get quick access to the top insurance carriers we needed to compete. As a member of SIAA, we have access to other markets as well as exclusive programs to meet almost every risk we run into.
Carlos Ortega, President of Progressive Management Associates Insurance Services, Fairfax, VA
Are you interested in joining Potomac Insurance Network?
Potomac Insurance Network and SIAA can put your agency on the right path to not only compete against all forms of insurance distribution, but thrive in an ever-evolving industry by significantly increasing your agency’s value.
Contact Us
Ongoing Support
When you partner with SIAA/PIN, you’re partnering with someone who has a vested interest in your growth and sustainability. Whether you’re a newer agency trying to get off the ground, or an existing agency looking to take your business to the next level, we’re here to support you and your growth for years to come.
Training & CE
Training and continuing education are a critical component to all independent agencies. The Training & Learning Center provides training and CE that helps agencies stay on the forefront of industry best practices and coverage expertise.
Free courses such as the 6-week Business Insurance Advantage program and a 4-week Foundations program are tailored to help agencies get up to speed with insurance and sales essentials, as well as onboarding to SIAA systems.
SIAA and PIN maintain close working relationships with key technology partners, typically saving our partners thousands of dollars every year. These partnerships allow us to remain at the forefront of insurance agency management systems and digital solutions designed to increase service capabilities, streamline operations and attract more clients.
My agency has gained access to companies that were not available to us prior to joining PIN. As a member, our collective strength with carriers has helped us grow our agency. We have access to marketing opportunities and programs not available to the average agency. Being part of PIN has increased our customer base, income and agency value.